Laughter is catching and it’s also healing. Now it’s been discovered that when breastfeeding mothers of infants with eczema laugh, their babies have lower levels of reaction to the disease.
News Scientist reports on a Japanese study which shows that breastfed babies with eczema have milder symptoms if their mothers laugh hours before feeding them. Researcher Hajime Kimata showed breastfeeding mothers either a Charlie Chaplin film or a weather report, then took samples of breast milk afterwards. He also measured their infants allergic reactions to dust mites and latex. All the babies studied had a mild?and common?case of eczema, but the babies of mothers had watched the Chaplin film had reduced reactions to their skin condition. Kimata found higher levels of the happiness hormone melatonin in the laughing mothers’ breast milk.
The message: ENJOY being a Mom (AND a Dad)!
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