Includes Upside Down Plants – Overnight on May 13-14, one of the strangest groups of crop formations ever seen appeared on a farm near Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands. Three large circles were created by something that flattened and scorched the crops, leaving odd changes in the remaining stalks and in the soils. The owners of the field heard and saw nothing, even though the circles were formed just steps from their house. Their dogs did not bark and their horses remained undisturbed. The damage to the crop in the circles was total, and the affected plants are dead and will not grow back. Ridges in the soil suggest that it had been worked with some sort of tool. The ridges form an imperfect spiral. Bizarrely, many plants had been turned upside down, and their upper surfaces buried and the roots left exposed. The circles were a hundred and fifty feet in diameter, and in 14 years of crop circleresearch, Janet Ossebaard says, “I have never seen anything like this.”
For more information, click here.
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