Steve Neill is a special effects artist whom Whitley and Anne have known for many years. He created the effects in the Critical Mass trailer. He has just posted a moving, powerful short film called “Foo Fighters” about the effects on World War II pilots of close encounters with alien craft, which were then called Foo Fighters. It’s very well worth watching, and costs $2.00 through PayPal to see the first half. (The second half is still in production.) That is a tiny price to pay for the wonderful experience of watching this film. Those of us in this community are often ill-served by the media. This is something from a fine artist and craftsman who has unusual insight into the close encounter experience and all that it means. PLEASE NOTE: After you pay with Paypal, you will see a button that says “Return to Merchant.” Ignore it. You will receive your username and password and a link to the movie in an email from the producer. This will be different from your PayPal receipt. To watch “Foo Fighters,” click here.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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