You may be contributing to global warming without even realizing it. It all has to do with Spam (the kind you eat AND the computer kind).
Researchers say that returning to the slimmer days (we’re talking body weight here, not about the economy) of 40 years ago would not only help our health, it would help climate change AND the recession. In the UK, scientists think that people are eating almost 20% more food than they did back then, and all that farming (use of tractors, as well as trucks to take the food to stores) sends up lots of greenhouse gas emissions.
BBC News quotes researcher Phil Edwards as saying, “We need to be doing a lot more to reverse the global trend towards fatness, and recognize it as a key factor in the battle to reduce emissions and slow climate change.”
Sure, Computer Spam is annoying?but bad for the environment? It uses up an unnecessary amount of the electricity which runs our computers which in turn is produced by greenhouse gas-spewing power plants. Without it, we’d be on our computers for a shorter amount of time.
BBC News quotes a spokesman for McAfee, a maker of anti-spam software, as saying that a “day without spam [amounts] to talking 2.2 million cars off the road,” so eliminating spam should be part of the campaign to reduce carbon emissions.
Most of us try to live healthy lives, but death awaits all of us: what will happen then? On this week’s Dreamland, Dr. John Lerma gives us some intriguing answers to this timeless question. Meanwhile, Anne Strieber has some intriguing answers to an (ahem!) other question. Where else are you going to find fun like this for less than a latte a WEEK? Make sure we’ll be here the next time you fire up your computer and clear off that spam: subscribe today!
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