People who witness UFOs often comment that they shine a bright lights onto the ground in a single color: blue. Now science may have made some progress in finding out what’s so important about blue light. The world turns out to be a lot stranger than we used to think it was.

Human eyes can only see light in a very small region of the electromagnetic spectrum. For us, visible light corresponds to a wavelength range of 400 – 700 nanometers in a color range of violet through red. Blue light has a wavelength of about 475 nm, one of the shortest in the light spectrum. The human eye is more sensitive to short-wavelength light, which produces “cool” tones like blue or green, as opposed to long-wavelength light, which produces “warm” tones like yellow and red.

Blue is an important color in several major religions. In Hinduism, it symbolically represents the fifth, throat chakra, and many gods are depicted as having blue-colored skin. While contactees most often see beings with gray skin, little beings with cobalt blue skin are also commonly sighted.

In Judaism, the Israelites were commanded to put blue fringes, tzitzit, on the corners of their garments. In Islam, verse 20:102 of the Qur’an describes evildoers whose eyes are glazed with fear as being filmed over with a bluish tint. Psychics who read auras see a blue auras around the heads of spiritual people.

In 2007, researchers embedded a fiber-optic able into the skull of a mouse on the left side, which reprogrammed the right (“creative”) side of its brain. When an intense bluelight was shone into the cable, the mouse began turning in counterclockwise circles, and didn’t stop until the light was turned off. It turned in counterclockwise circles because the electrode was implanted on the left side of the brain, so that’s the direction the mouse took. Had the implant been imbedded in the right side of the brain, it would have turned clockwise circles.

More news about light: If we have broken the speed of light, it may mean that the universe does not work as we thought. Two German scientist believe that an experiment that they were conducting into the quantum tunneling effect has resulted in faster-than-light movement. If faster-than-light movement is possible, it could mean that devices that actually look backward in time might be possible, although physical time travel would not be made easier. If it is possible to accelerate a stream of electrons beyond the speed of light, they would also be outside of time, and therefore it might be possible to use them to look into the past much like an electron microscope looks into the world of the very, very small.

In, Michael Chorost writes of the blue light experiment, “They’d shown that a beam of light could control brain activity with great precision.”

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