Like a drug to men – Men: Women love them, but they don’t surprise them and here’s more news that won’t come as a surprise to any thinking female: Just looking at their curves gives a guy a “high” that scientists equate with drinking alcohol or taking drugs!

This is probably the reason that men are so much more interested in pornography than women are. But it’s curves that count, not overall body fat. In, Charles Q. Choi quotes researcher Steven Platek as saying,”The media portrays women as wholly too skinny.”

Here at, we CARE about the shape of YOUR body, which is why there’s a FREE diet book right here on our website. To read it, click here and scroll down to What I Learned From the Fat Years. Anne Strieber, who used to be a diabetic, devised this diet herself, using scientific principles, and lost 100 pounds by following this path, and you can too. Click on every day to find out the latest facts about food (and everything else!) The only path you can take to make sure we’ll still be here tomorrow with our great radio shows and podcasts is to subscribe today!

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