There are lots of strange things on Mars. For instance, NASA’s Opportunity rover has spotted strange coatings on rocks beside a young Martian crater. Is this some kind of conspiracy or just more high strangeness? The crater is about 30 feet in diameter, and has dark rays coming out of it. Astronomers have observed lots of peppercorn-sized, iron-rich, dark spheres in similar craters that resemble berries in a muffin, which they’ve nicknamed “blueberries.” quotes astronomer Steve Squyres as saying, “There’s dark, grayish material coating faces of the rocks and filling fractures in them. At least part of it is composed of ‘blueberries’ jammed together as close as you could pack them. We’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Maybe we’ll have to wait until we get there (if we ever do) before we solve some of these mysteries.We may not solve THIS mystery at our Dreamland Festival June 25-27, but your favorite Dreamland hosts are all going to be there and we will certainly solve some of them, so join us!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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