When we lived in New York, Whitley and I had season tickets to Yankee Stadium, and we’re still fans. Whitley was a fan when he was a kid, largely because a local radio station in San Antonio carried the Yankees Radio Network. In those days, there were no major league baseball teams west of the Mississippi.

Since I can’t get to any games anymore, I’ve gotten involved in watching baseball movies instead, and there are some great ones, with Bull Durham and, of course, the immortal Field of Dreams leading the league.

I’ll never forget the mystery of how hot dogs taste good at baseball games. I don’t even like hot dogs, but I can’t get through a baseball game without at least one, and a bag of peanuts, and, of course, a beer.

The Los Angeles uniform is a t-shit, shorts, flip-flops and a baseball cap.Mine is a feminine pink Yankees cap. Not exactly regulation, but it’s my favorite. I’m amazed at how many people out here wear Yankees caps, but there are plenty, and they wear them proudly.

I do, too!

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  1. Isn’t that the truth about
    Isn’t that the truth about hot dogs!? I love going to baseball games because of the feeling of good hearted community.
    I don’t care so much who wins or loses; I just love the crowd. I love your diary posts, Anne. Please keep them up.
    Wishing you good health.

  2. I wish I could have
    I wish I could have experienced the New York games back in the day! I went to a L.A. Dodgers game in the ’60s before Los Angeles became the capital of the third world. One game and I became totally disgusted with the location of the stadium! I listened very occasionally to games with Ross Porter, when he joined the Dodger organization, on the radio after he left the local KNBC TV station in the ’70s. The only hot dogs I use to eat were Hebrew National. I don’t know if they were really healthier then. I have eaten no meat since then except for sashimi or sushi.

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