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Pennsylvania High Strangeness in 2006 by Stan Gordon
February 2, 2007Pennsylvania has had a long history of encounters of the unusual kind. From yearly sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects to observations of mysterious creatures, the 2006 year was no exception, as mysterious incidents were reported by residents of the Keystone... continued
Aliens and Angels
January 9, 2007This is the only poem we have ever published as an Unknowncountry.com Insight. The reason we are publishing it is that it captures the essential ambiguity and complexity of the close encounter experience in just a few well-chosen words. Aliens... continued
Sleepless, Cold and Miserable in Seattle
December 23, 2006112 mph winds hit upon us in the Seattle area 9 days ago. Still 96,000 w/o power in King County. 12 dead, many injured or hospitalized from carbon monoxide poisonings. Many live wires down yet. One man and his dog... continued
The Truth from Baghdad
June 21, 2006CONFIDENTIAL MEMO FROM: US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Baghdad TO: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State SUBJECT: SNAPSHOTS FROM THE OFFICE SENSITIVE Published: 20 June 2006 1. Iraqi staff in the Public Affairs sector have complained that Islamist and Militia groups have... continued
A Journey in Time
June 2, 2006This description of either a remarkable dream or experience was received today, and is published with the kind permission of its author. It could be that an actual movement through time might feel something like this. Last night I had... continued
Kecksburg Witness Found by Brian Vike
May 14, 2006Date: December 9, 1965 On December 9, 1965 hundreds of eyewitnesses watched an amazing object streak across the sky, the object was witnessed from Canada all the way to Kecksburg, Pennsylvania where the object crash landed. Soon after it was... continued
Stanton Friedman Reviews “Abducted”
May 8, 2006By Stanton Friedman. Stanton Friedman's website is Stantonfriedman.com. I hadnt had high hopes for the book Abducted: How people Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens by Dr. Susan A. Clancy. After all, the segment about abductions which featured... continued
Vatican’s Msgr. Balducci Speaks Out on UFOs
March 31, 2006Monsignor Corrado Balducci says Mexico is blessed with UfO Sightings. He says he will continue be spokesman for the opening up of public opinion and church attention towards the people from the stars . I will ask the Vatican to... continued
The Faith-Based Science of Susan Clancy by Budd Hopkins
December 23, 2005The literate world is well aware that a controversy about the reality of the UFO phenomenon has raged for decades. Arrayed on one side are the enthusiasts - the casual, the serious and the bizarre - along with thousands of... continued
How New Orleans is Like Iraq by Steve Hammons
September 21, 2005The connections between the disaster in the Gulf Coast and the disaster in Iraq seem to be growing. They are thought provoking and disturbing. In Iraq, civilian officials in the Pentagon went in with inadequate personnel, inadequate supplies and inadequate... continued