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Time Travelers on a Road in France
July 8, 2004As part of our new Communion Letters, Susan writes: I haven't told this to anyone outside of my close family until now. There is a road in France that we lived next to in 1994 that had been there since... continued
The Being Who Helped Me to Dance
July 1, 2004Here's another one of our new Communion Letters. "Christy" writes: For a long time I dismissed a childhood story I wrote and illustrated containing descriptions of another world and images of big-eyed beings, because my sister told me my mom... continued
Friends & Fellow UFO Experiencers
June 23, 2004As one of our new Communion Letters, we present the adventures of Rick, who says: I was never really into UFOs. I always assumed they were possible but never really went out of my way to learn about them. That... continued
Aliens Beamed Me Up
June 17, 2004In our series of new Communion Letters, we heard from Mick, who writes: Yes, I too have had an abduction/dream experience in the early nineties. It happened after seeing the Band "Psychic TV" at The Ritz (Studio 54) in New... continued
Mexican UFO Case Still Unsolved by Richard M. Dolan
June 15, 2004UFO researcher Richard Dolan writes: Since the news was released in early May 2004 that a Mexican Air Force interceptor encountered several invisible objects that registered clearly on radar and infrared systems, a number of articles appeared that attempted to... continued
Visited by the Sun
June 9, 2004Eric writes: My story is so much like the movie Communion, I was literally blown away when I watched it a few months ago. It has made me believe that we are being abducted and there is no chance of... continued
Is Someone Capturing Our Souls
June 1, 2004One reader writes: I have had many, many, unusual experiences during my lifetime. I am now about to tell you a story of horrora true story that has happened to me. It was 1977, and I was living in a... continued
“Next Time We Will Come Much Closer.”
May 29, 2004As part of our new Communion Letters, a reader named "Shawn" writes: I want to relate an experience I recently had in my own backyard. I was standing on my back porch at about 9 pm, enjoying the night air,... continued
“Dreams”or Reality
May 21, 2004My name is Nick and I live in western Montana. There have been quite a few strange things that have happened to me in my lifetime, although Im only 19 years old. Ill start off with my first and most... continued
The Truth is Approaching by Will Hart
May 13, 2004My recent request for the UFO phenomenon to be taken seriously by the press has come true by some incredible twist of fate. The past month has been the most dramatic in recent history with major sightings erupting over Iran,... continued