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Paying the Piper
September 20, 2008What a week! We have seen the effective nationalization of the financial industry, and handed a bill to pay that will reach past a trillion dollars. More fantastically, our national wealth is to be spread among the horde of Wall... continued
Happy Days Are Here Again–For Wall Street
September 10, 2008Note: This journal entry was posted on September 15 and accidentally deleted. It is now being re-posted. Yes, indeed, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have just been bailed out to the tune of hundreds of billion dollars of debt that... continued
Ominous New Climate Information
September 1, 2008When Art Bell and I published "Superstorm" in 1999, we were criticized as being sensationalists who brought environmentalism a bad name, and hurt the movement. In 2004, when "the Day After Tomorrow", the film inspired by our book, was released,... continued
Russia and the West: A Danger Returns.
August 28, 2008Over the past few weeks, I've read a great deal about Russia's new belligerence. Most of the articles have expressed a level of shock and bewilderment that surprises me. In my book "Critical Mass," which comes out this January, two... continued
Ominous Developments in the Caucasus
August 10, 2008The recent troubles in the Georgia, with the Russians invading what is supposed to be a sovereign country, have very disturbing geopolitical implications. The reason is that, the day after the attack started, Iran announced that it would, essentially, ignore... continued
A New Chance
June 13, 2008Last summer, the so called "drones" appeared. Linda Moulton Howe and I soon confirmed that the photographs were real, both by what photo analysis could done, and by numerous interviews with witnesses, many of whom were willing to go on... continued
Gas Prices Explode as the Dollar Falls–so Why is This Happening?
June 8, 2008You're not going to see much, if anything about this in the dumbed-down U.S. media--not because they're trying to hide it, but because they can't understand. But there is a reason that the United States and the American Dollar are... continued
The Nye Incidents: the Scariest Story I Know
April 14, 2008I have collaborated on a graphic novel about human mutilations called the Nye Incidents that is going to be out shortly. (If you want a copy, the best thing to do is to call your local comics shop and ask... continued
A New Surprise in the UFO Funhouse
March 2, 2008The journal below was written when I still believed Michael Salla and Gilles Lorant. Lorant had claimed that he was a member of the prestigious French Institute of Higher Defense Studies, and had attended the meeting in that capacity. Salla's... continued
Let’s Do It!
February 21, 2008This is really an extraordinary time to be involved in the close encounter experience. I cannot remember such a time in my life, and I think, probably, that there has never been such a time before. The reason is simple:... continued