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As the Administration Collapses, is Another Terror Attack Coming?
April 25, 2007The announcement made today that the US Office of Special Council is investigating White House political activities is catastrophic for the Bush Administration and is widely believed on Capitol Hill to be the beginning of the end for George W.... continued
Are They Coming and If So, What Do We Do?
March 30, 2007It is possible that the visitors are about to show up. I am not saying that this will happen, but only that this is a time when it could happen, and there are some indications that it may be about... continued
The Elephant is Stampeding in the Living Room
March 24, 2007The past six months have been the most astonishing period of change in the whole history of the UFO phenomenon. Not since the early fifties have there been so many and such extensive sightings, and never with such a level... continued
2012 and the End of the Age
March 19, 2007My new novel, 2012: the War for Souls, has just been bought by Warner Bros. for a movie, so I thought I?d write a little about why I wrote it and what I think about 2012. First, it?s a story... continued
Government by Contempt
March 16, 2007A few days ago, the US 9th Circuit rejected the appeal of a woman who depends on medical marijuana. She sought a court order to prevent federal officers from arresting her for the use of this substance, even though its... continued
Resurrection and the Tomb of Jesus
March 6, 2007Whether or not Jesus rose from the dead is arguably the most important question in the history of western civilization. It is also irrelevant and based on a misunderstanding of the process of resurrection, and should not be important at... continued
The 911 Script and the Age of Terror
February 28, 2007I must admit that I have been deeply shocked by a story that appeared today on my website, to the effect that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 23 minutes before it actually took place. Previously, the... continued
Superstorms, Aliens and the Bomb
January 19, 2007As I write this, there is a phenomenal story on Unknowncountry.com that discusses the terrible weather presently sweeping the whole western world, literally from California to Poland. This is the closest we have ever come to a superstorm, and it... continued
Strange Days
January 11, 2007I have been boggled by the number of high strangeness events being reported on my website recently. There are mysterious bird deaths and strange meteors all over the world, and a sudden odor of gas in the New York/New Jersey... continued
Will Mankind Avert Catastrophe?
December 24, 2006Note: I have changed the title of this journal entry from "The Triumph of Mankind" because a number of readers do not appear to understand that the title contains a degree of irony. I will also quote a paragraph from... continued