Soul Traps

April 16, 2016
Over the past thirty years, I have often been the victim of social engineering. The first time I became aware of it was after the publication of my book Confirmation, which was critical of the Air Force’s handling of the... continued

Goodnight, Valentine

February 15, 2016
It’s a day full of flowers here in Southern California. Evening is slipping down from a gentle sky, the light slow and soft, and I am traveling along the deep memory road. I have been looking through our Valentines, Darling.... continued

Disclosure may be Imminent. But can We Take It?

January 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton has told a questioner that she will "get to the bottom" of the UFO controversy. Her friend and adviser John Podesta said in a tweet last February that it was not only time for disclosure, but that "it's... continued

The Why of Islamic Terrorism

December 5, 2015
ISIS has become the new terror threat, and now it appears that they have succeeded in striking in the United States, leaving 14 people dead in California. Once again, the media is trumpeting that the people carrying out the attack... continued

In the Weave of the Journey, a Meeting

November 5, 2015
I have been having an extraordinary time engaging with my wife. What has happened is beyond anything I would ever have expected. Anne was a teacher, and she still is. Not only that, she loved Dreamland and always participated as... continued

Sweet Night

October 21, 2015
I am at the old house in the Texas Hill Country west of Austin where so many of the experiences I related in the Secret School took place. It is as sweet a night as Texas has to offer, softly touched by... continued

A Message from Anne Strieber: Joy to You!

August 23, 2015
My wife Anne left this level of being two weeks ago. In that short time, there have been so many manifestations of her continued presence and involvement with others in this world that I thought I would write a bit... continued

Climate Change Denial

August 5, 2015
2015 is now well on its way to be the hottest year on record, and a year of great extremes, with extraordinary heat in summer and profound cold in winter, and springs and autumns marked by weather of unusual violence.... continued

UFO Disclosure Coming Closer

July 21, 2015
A slow and deliberate process of disclosure has been under way for about 10 years, and may take another step forward in March of 2016. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, it has for some years been... continued

The Mystery of the Alien Images

May 24, 2015
I have been reading The Fairy Tradition in Britain by Lewis Spence at the same time that the Roswell Slides drama has been unfolding. I don’t find it surprising that the assumption that any nonhuman remains or artifacts would be... continued