Whitley Strieber is a literary legend, and Jesus: A New Vision is the most provocative book of his career. As the author of such influential books as Warday, Nature’s End, Communion and Superstorm, he ranks among the cultural forces of our time.
Jesus: A New Vision is at once a magisterial work of scholarship and a completely new approach to the meaning and message of Jesus. It comes at a time when the western world is divided between a declining number of believers in Christian doctrine and an ever-increasing number of people who feel that Jesus was nothing more than a religious zealot who was executed for the crime of sedition.
What if neither of these approaches is right? What if Jesus really did perform miracles, including the resurrection, but that this says not that he was a deity, but that he was exercising human powers which are buried within us all, and which we do not suspect are there?
By exploring the life of Jesus and his teachings in an entirely new way, Jesus: A New Vision sheds fresh light on the meaning and power of his parables, explores the mysteries of the gospels of Thomas and Mary with fresh insight, and explains why, as Strieber puts it, he “committed suicide by crucifixion.”
It also addresses the questions that continue to surround the Shroud of Turin, exploring both the science that concluded that it was a medieval forgery and the more recent studies that have shown it to be something very different.
It explores what happened after Jesus’s death that led to the ultra-violence that destroyed the entire polytheistic culture of the Roman Empire, and explains why this greatest of all human revolutions happened, relating it to the pandemics and uncontrollable migrations that resulted from a climate change event that began around 150 A.D. and led to extraordinary disruptions that the Romans, knowing nothing of solar variability, blamed on their gods.
In its sweep and its drama, there has never been another book like Jesus: A New Vision.
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I’d love to hear you interviewed by Miguel Conner on his show Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio.
hiya whitley! will there be a print version of jesus-a new vision? please say yes! thanks and god bless-kelly 🙂
There will be hardcover, paperback and audiobook. Hardcover and paperback by the end of the month, audio book soon after.
awesome-can’t wait!
I cannot wait to read your new book Whitley! Looking forward to ordering my print copy as soon as it is available.
Howdy Whitley ; >
It looks like another must have for my library collection . Just from the description of the research you invested to come to the conclusions and possibilities there is no way I could not make the investment .
Is it really a new vision or the rediscovery of a lost knowledge by a man that is not afraid to search for the hidden evidences of humanity’s possibilities and face the existence with eye’s and mind wide open ?
W….will your audio book be available on your website? Thanks, T
When will Jesus A New Vision come out in paperback or hardback? I am looking forward to reading it and will purchase it as soon as it comes out in print.
Very shortly. A few weeks at most.
am still excited to get my print copy when it’s available but-via amazon got the audiobook and am so glad i did-whitley-thank you so much for reading this yourself-it was like hearing from a friend-as a student of classical antiquity and a longtime dreamland/whitley strieber/unknown country fan i was blown away-and deeply moved-thank you-hare krishna &god bless 🙂
for reading-read: narrating
I am looking forward to when a print version is available.
Thanks for your work.
It’s available now on Amazon
Thanks. I ordered the paper version of A New Vision and A New World this morning.
Amazon is not showing this in paperback. Is there an issue.
No issue. It’s up in paperback.
It comes up and disappears. I will keep trying.
Hmm, strange. It still shows me kindle only. Would it be possible for subscribers to order it directly from you signed? 🙂
The proof ended up being sold as the finished paperback. We took the proof down and will deploy the finished book as soon as we can. Before the end of the week, hopefully!
When will you do your own podcast on Unknown Country, discussing this book? I missed your interview with George Noory the other night and I am not a member so I can’t re-play it. I’m hoping you arrange to do an interview with someone you trust and post it here. I doubt I’m alone on this thought.
Thank you…
Thank-you Jesus for Whitley,
Thank-you Whitley for Jesus…
I am not able to order paperback from Amazon. The link given only leads to kindle edition. I cannot find that Amazon is selling the paperback edition. Please give me an explicit instruction as to how to order a paperback copy. Not just some link to Amazon, who apparently does not sell it.
Go to Amazon and input the search term Jesus a New Vision Strieber and you should see all formats.
When you click on the book in our store, you should see 3 order buttons on the left: Amazon Kindle, Amazon and Audible.
If you click on the Amazon button, it will take you to a page that shows all editions: Kindle, paperback, hardback and Audible audiobook.
If you do not see all three buttons, you may have an ad blocker that is incorrectly preventing them from appearing.
Greetings, I am a enthusiastic listener of the dreamland podcasts. I meet such interesting characters discussing most fascinating topics!
I’m not an experiencer or abductee, nevertheless I know without a shadow of a doubt that we are not the only ones inhabiting this vast universe. How very arrogant to even think we could be!
I would love to get my hands on your newest book about Jesus, Whitley, but I’m not a Amazon supporter! Is there another way to purchase the book?
Thank you for enriching my life
It is available in hardcover from Barnes & Noble.
The Barnes and Noble hardcover will be what I buy … I don’t want to hand any money to Amazon, Audible, etc., that I don’t have to.
Somehow I missed knowing of this book, and finished it yesterday while on a fast. I’ve tried to read both The Gospel of Thomas and The Gospel of Mary long ago to little understanding. Thank you Whitley for the obvious work of putting this together. Though I will be integrating for a while, what I hope for is that this book will continue to sell, and for its influence to creep through our human society. I do enjoy the Beatitudes at the end. Blessings.