Didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas? Chimps don’t always either, so they improvise–giving us a window into how human children play.

Female chimpanzees seem to treat sticks as dolls, carrying them around until they’re old enough to produce real chimp babies, while young males remain uninterested. This not only reveals that chimps (like humans) can use their imagination, it also points out basic differences between boys and girls.
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The Key–the most popular book we’ve ever published on this website–tells about a prophetic encounter that Whitley Strieber had with a stranger in a hotel room. It’s been made into a play and is about to be produced as a movie, and it will soon be published by a mainstream publisher, meaning that we need to sell off all remaining original copies of by the end of this year. These copies will become collector’s items in the future, which you will see being offered on places like ebay for high prices, but we are offering them at the regular price right now (including our usual 10% discount for subscribers).read more

During the Christmas season, many people attend religious services who normally don’t set foot inside a church. It’s long been known that religious people are generally happier, but what’s their "secret ingredient?" It turns out it’s two things: prayer and community.
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Life on earth may have survived a global freeze that occurred 700 million years ago. Researchers have found evidence in Australia that tiny microorganisms lived despite fierce cold and turbulent seas (so maybe we’ll survive too?) turbulent seas still raged during the period, where micro-organisms may have clung on for life, despite the fact that most life perished. In other words, it was a Superstorm!
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