Christmas is the time to contemplate miracles and medicine has come up with a big one. After major accidents, we’re all used to hearing calls from blood donors on the radio, especially those with rare blood types. But this wouldn’t be such a problem if we could get blood from a person’s skin. It sounds like a zombie movie, but it’s true: Scientists have now discovered how to do this.
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Get your dog ready for that Christmas party: Buy him a nice red sweater and BRUSH HIS TEETH! The problem isn’t just bad breath: By the age of 3, about 80% of dogs and 70% of cats already have gum disease, and preventative measures are key to identifying and stopping the disease before it gets too bad and teeth start falling out.
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Here’s another reason to go to college (besides the fact that you’re more likely to get married): People with a higher education are happier. But this isn’t always the case: Meaningful relationships with other people can change this for individuals who do not have a lot of education.

Researcher Carol Ryff says, "If you didn’t go that far in your education, but you walk around feeling good psychological stuff, you may not be more likely to suffer ill-health than people with a lot of schooling." That’s good to know during the Christmas season, when we all want to be happy.
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Birds fly (of course) and some squirrels fly. Some dinosaurs flew. There’s an old saying that something will occur "when pigs can fly." If you change that to snakes, it means it WILL happen, because these have been discovered in South Asia–climbing up trees then flinging themselves off their perches, flattening their bodies, and gliding from tree to tree or to the more