Walking as the best exercise for the body AND the brain. It’s great for losing weight, and new research suggests that walking at least six miles per week may protect brain size and preserve memory in old age. But don’t go for a walk on New Year’s Day–more walkers are killed on the road on that day than any other time of year. It’s called "DWW"–Drinking While Walking.
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Throughout his long career, Zechariah Sitchin maintained that Nibiru existed, and now a new NASA probe seems about to prove him right. Our sun may have a companion that disturbs comets from the edge of the solar system–a giant planet with up to four times the mass of Jupiter (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).

A NASA space telescope launched last year may soon detect such a stealth companion to our sun, if it actually exists, in the distant icy realm of the Oort cloud, which surrounds our solar system with billions of icy objects. Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from this region. read more

You can teach your computer poetry and slang, but you haven’t finished its education until you’ve taught it how to listen to music. Artificial intelligence researchers have teamed up with musicians on an unlikely project: a digital conductor of improvised avant-garde performances. But WHY? Researcher Selmer Bringsjord says, "A conductor that could guide such performances must be capable of “high-level reasoning. “Is there a way to render in formal logic and reasoning what Leonard Bernstein does? We will need to capture what the musicians are doing in a musical calculus.read more

This time of year, we’re all indoors more often, meaning we often don’t get enough of the sunshine vitamin (D). A recent study found that low AND high vitamin D levels were associated with an increased likelihood of frailty in older women. Women with vitamin D levels in the normal range were at the lowest risk. And different races react physically in different ways. For instance, low levels of vitamin D, the essential nutrient obtained from milk, fortified cereals and exposure to sunlight, doubles the risk of stroke in whites, but not in blacks. And stroke is the nation’s third leading cause of death, killing more than 140,000 Americans annually and temporarily or permanently disabling over half a million when there is a loss of blood flow to the brain.
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