Sleep with the blinds closed! Exposure to even dim light at night is enough to cause physical changes in the brains of hamsters (and humans?) that may lead to depression. But light DOES kill superbugs, which must be why, when you’re in the hopsital, nurses come over and shine a flashlight in your eyes at night!
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After eating that big turkey dinner, you’re probably feeling fat, and most of us are fat and getting fatter–why is this? Most people would say it’s because we eat too much and exercise too little. But that answer, while valid, may be a little too simple–there may be many other causes for obesity.
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At 18 hospital emergency rooms here and in the UK, researchers have put pictures on the ceilings to test whether patients who are brought back to life after cardiac arrest can remember seeing the them during an NDE–an out-of-body experience. (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). In the Wall Street Journal, Melinda Beck quotes critical care physician Sam Parnia as saying, "We’ve added these images as objective markers." People who experience NDEs remember leaving their bodies and watching themselves from more

If you plan on asking Santa for a new cell phone, but aren’t sure you’ll get one, turn your old phone into an iphone instead! Input Dynamics has developed software which can tell you where to tap on a cell phone screen tell exactly to tap on it to activate its various functions. In BBC News, Dave Lee quotes researcher Simon Godshill as saying, "We’re trying to replace touchscreen capability on a mobile phone with something that’s a much cheaper option. Many people are restricted in their use of internet and apps because they don’t have touchscreen phones, but our technology can make touchscreen functionality available to all feature phones. We are also very excited about the opportunity to make whole handsets touch more