Is massage really a healing touch? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). A massage can make your immune system stronger, so you’re more able to fight off colds and flu. Researchers report that people who undergo massage experience measureable changes in their body’s immune system. Psychiatrist Mark Rapaport says, "Massage is popular in America, with almost 9% percent of adults receiving at least one massage within the past more

Opinion polls can affect the way people vote–even on Election Day. The sad thing about all this is that they are NOT accurate! When a recent post-election analysis measured the accuracy of polls leading up to midterm elections, the findings indicated not only inaccuracies from a number of polling organizations, but BIAS in their predictions. What causes these statistical slipups and polling prejudices–is it the result of bias in polling organizations or an expected reality of predictive polling? Researcher Virginia Miori is not surprised by this. She says, "Surveys and polls are known for problems with bias even in the best cases." Miori describes polling as a delicate science in which something as simple as the time of day a poll is conducted affects its more

Although debate continues, independent studies with long-term follow-up strongly suggest an increased risk of brain tumors related to the use of cellular or cordless phones. Researcher .B. Dubey says, "We conclude that the current standard of exposure to microwave during mobile phone use is not safe for long-term exposure and needs to be revised." Some studies have reported that long-term wireless phone users have increased rates of brain tumors, while other studies have found no more

Every day our brains are flooded by stimulation–sounds, sights and smells. (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). At the same time, we are constantly engaged in an inner dialogue, ruminating about the past, musing about the future. Somehow the brain filters all this input instantly, selecting some things for long- or short-term storage, discarding others and focusing in on what’s most important at any given instant. Amazingly enough, humans regulate the activity of INDIVIDUAL NEURONS to intentionally alter the outcome of all this stimulation.
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