Is this good or bad? – It’s not only dolphins and whales that are in trouble–land animals are too (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Hunters couldn’t get the right to slaughter dolphins and whale hunts are being limited, so now they’re trying to kill wolves. A recent political candidate even boasted about shooting them from a helicopter! Without these predators, the deer population will explode, bring many new cases of lyme disease.

Wolves were once almost poisoned to extinction by farmers protecting their livestock, but since they were added to the Endangered Species list 20 years ago, they are making a come back and farmers are seeking the authority to start killing them again.
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In Whitley Strieber’s dynamic new Journal, he clearly thinks that when it comes to today’s political candidates, we’re entangled in something that stinks. He concludes: “We need smart, capable and independent candidates whose focus is on the American people, not on how to further exploit the American people, whatever ideological window dressing they may choose to put on it.” If you love Anne’s diaries and Whitley’s journals, support this site: Subscribe today!

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While their parents have been imbibing for years, many kids who are going off to college will drink alcohol for the first time and some of them will even die from binge drinking. Why does this happen so much more in the US than it does in Europe? Because kids start drinking EARLIER there.

In the US, the drink of choice for students is usually beer, but in Italy, it’s wine. A new study shows Italian youths whose parents allowed them to have alcohol with meals while they were growing up are less likely to develop harmful drinking patterns in the future.
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With the World Series coming up, it’s more important than ever – In baseball, we’ve often told you how sports and science are entangled, and here’s another way: New research suggests that no pitcher can make a curveball “break” or a fastball “rise,” it’s all an optical illusion.
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