New Whitley’s Journal – There are always surprises in store for you at In Whitley’s new journal, he writes about a powerful dream that may be a premonition of what the Grays are doing here.

Anne Strieber had the final word in Whitley’s dream and she has started a series of special interviews, just for subscribers, with abductees and experiencers, so if you want to know what contact is REALLY LIKE, don’t miss this incredible group of interviews!

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From dead cows – Haven’t we had enough problems using animal parts from dead cows? Now a company wants to increase meat production by cloning dead cattle.
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A surprising answer – Contrary to popular belief, the ups and downs of romantic relationships have a greater effect on the mental health of young men than women.

In a study of more than 1,000 unmarried young adults between the ages of 18 and 23, sociologist Robin Simon challenged the long-held assumption that women are more vulnerable to the emotional rollercoaster of relationships. She came to the conclusion that even though men sometimes try to present a tough face, unhappy romances take a greater emotional toll on men than women. They just express their distress differently than women.
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Did they survive the oil spill? – Here’s a mystery that needs to be solved: What effect has the BP oil spill had on whales? Now “electronic ears” are being put in place in the Gulf of Mexico, listening in on whales that cruise the waters to learn where they are, how many there are and how they are faring since massive amounts of oil were released into their environment.

Researchers are now placing the final seven of 22 “marine autonomous recording units” in the Gulf. The goal is to document the state of the sounds in the ecosystem over an extended period of time. Biologist Christopher Clark says, “Night after night, on TV and on webcams, we saw oil spewing from the bottom of the ocean. You wonder,
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