Did they survive the oil spill? – Here’s a mystery that needs to be solved: What effect has the BP oil spill had on whales? Now “electronic ears” are being put in place in the Gulf of Mexico, listening in on whales that cruise the waters to learn where they are, how many there are and how they are faring since massive amounts of oil were released into their environment.

Researchers are now placing the final seven of 22 “marine autonomous recording units” in the Gulf. The goal is to document the state of the sounds in the ecosystem over an extended period of time. Biologist Christopher Clark says, “Night after night, on TV and on webcams, we saw oil spewing from the bottom of the ocean. You wonder,
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “We have just returned from a trip to speak at the crop circle conference in the UK, where we had some breathtaking adventures.” And in Whitley’s new journal, he writes about UFO sightings in the UK countryside, as well as what it felt like to walk through a crop circle.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In the grim struggles of prehistory, early religion may have provided humans a way to relate to each other and the world around them, offering significant survival and reproductive advantages.
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