Different from us? – It’s easy to forget that there have been many small beings, such as fairies, leprechauns and trolls, in the legends of many cultures. In his contact experiences, Whitley has seen small Grays, as well as short, stocky cobalt blue figures. Were these beings only mythical or did (or do) they really exist?

In USA Today, Dan Vergano reports that UK folklorist Michael Heaney claims that the Greek historian Herodotus wrote about these people around 450 BC. John of Tzetses, who wrote in the Byzantine era, described them as being “strong warriors, good horsemen rich in flocks of cattle and sheep and goats. They are one-eyed, ‘shaggy with hairs, the toughest of men.'”
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Never heard again – We send signals out into space, but we never seem to get a response–except for ONCE, over 30 years ago. When we try to talk to them, we need to remember that the reason for their silence may be the fact that we have tried to shoot them down.
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Something we can’t let ourselves forget is that companies are always trying to make a profit, sometimes in nefarious ways. Instead of simply exploiting the environment, companies may be able to make a profit helping to SAVE it.
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Music plays a part in our evolution (as well as climate change!), because learning to play a musical instrument changes the brain in ways that lead to improved learning and understanding of language.

In LiveScience.com, Rachael Rettner reports that musicians have larger areas in the parts of the brain that are important for playing a musical instrument, and the connections created between brain cells during musical training help other forms of communication, such as speech, reading and understanding a foreign language. This means that cutting out music class (as many schools are doing) may be a BIG mistake.
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