Can We Hear the Sound of God?
We can hear the sound of the God PARTICLE, anyway. One the particles that the Large Hadron Collider, known as CERN, is the Higgs Bosun, or “God Particle.” And one way the scientists there are locating them is by listening for their distinctive sound.
In BBC News, Pallah Ghosh quotes physicist Lily Asquith as saying, “If the energy is close to you, you will hear a low pitch and if it’s further away you hear a higher pitch. If it’s lots of energy it will be louder and if it’s just a bit of energy it will be quieter.”
Ghosh quotes CERN engineer Archer Enrich as saying, “When you are hearing what the sonifications do you really are hearing the data. It’s true to the data, and it’s telling you something about the data that you couldn’t know in any other way.” read more