We can hear the sound of the God PARTICLE, anyway. One the particles that the Large Hadron Collider, known as CERN, is the Higgs Bosun, or “God Particle.” And one way the scientists there are locating them is by listening for their distinctive sound.

In BBC News, Pallah Ghosh quotes physicist Lily Asquith as saying, “If the energy is close to you, you will hear a low pitch and if it’s further away you hear a higher pitch. If it’s lots of energy it will be louder and if it’s just a bit of energy it will be quieter.”

Ghosh quotes CERN engineer Archer Enrich as saying, “When you are hearing what the sonifications do you really are hearing the data. It’s true to the data, and it’s telling you something about the data that you couldn’t know in any other way.” read more

What sucked up all our money in the mortgage crisis? Policymakers and analysts continue to dispute causes of the 2007-2008 foreclosure crisis, which triggered a much deeper and more serious financial crisis and ultimately an economic recession. Did banks prey on unwitting consumers, or did households overreach and borrow more than they could afford–or was it BOTH? And if the debt on your house in cancelled due to foreclosure, you’ll owe federal taxes on the difference on the amount of debt that’s left when the bank takes control of your house, because they consider it to be INCOME!
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Are criminals are product of their upbringing and environment? Or are they just acting out their genetics? A new finding shows that TALL people earn more money (and thus pay more taxes), and that short, fat people commit more crimes (and they’re more likely to go to jail when they’re tried in court!)

But while genetics remain pretty standard (depending on who’s having babies), social circumstances change. For instance, when economist Gregory N. Price studied 19th century prison records, he found that in those days, being fat was associated with a LOWER risk of committing a crime, which is just the opposite of today’s statistics.
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “Psychic medium (and Dreamland host) Marla Frees was one of the people who spokeat the Dreamland Festival this June. During her talk, as she was contacting the dead relatives of some of the people in the audience, I noticed that Whitley, who was sitting next to me, seemed to be in a sort of trance. At first I thought he might have actually fallen asleep from exhaustion, but on closer inspection, I realized that wasn’t the case. Later, he told me what had happened.” It all had to do with someone from deep in her past, by the name of Marcelle. Subscribers can listen to Whitley and Marla talk about this on this week’s subscriber interview!
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