But the suburbs are EVEN HOTTER: Here’s why – Cities like New York are sweltering this summer, but if you live in suburbia, you’re in for a hot summer too! The number of very hot days is increasing worldwide, but the rate of increase is more than double in the most sprawling suburban-style metropolitan regions compared with more compact cities, even though one would think just the opposite effect would be the case. But this holds true regardless of the urban regions’ climate zone, population size, or rate of growth.
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Sleep on it – Don’t make a decision (like telling what you know about UFOs) until you sleep on it. People who sleep after processing and storing a memory carry out their intentions much better than people who try to execute their plan before getting to sleep.

Researchers have shown that sleep enhances our ability to remember to do something in the future. And our ability to carry out our intentions is not so much a function of how firmly that intention has been embedded in our memories. Instead, the trigger that helps carry out our intentions is usually a place, situation or circumstance, such as some context encountered the next day, that sparks the recall of an intended action.
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Thanks to the shoe bomber, we all now have to remove our shoes at the airport, but there may be a GOOD type of shoe power!
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Scientists have found evidence that there is life on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Primitive bacteria there may be breathing the atmosphere and feeding on the surface, which is covered with mountains, lakes and rivers. Astronomers call it the most Earthlike world in the solar system.

However, the liquid there is not water but methane, so any life there would be methane-based. Meanwhile, astronomers think that huge oceans existed on Mars around 4 million years ago. Now nothing is left of them but ice at the poles and a huge impact crater in the middle. The answer to whether the ice on Mars is water or methane will have to wait until we go there.
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