BP is not the only oil company to ruin the environment due to careless drilling. When Texaco (which later merged with Chevron) drilled in the rainforest in Ecuador from the early 1960s until 1992, they created what has been described as the worst oil-related environmental catastrophe ever–and they still haven’t paid that country any reparations.

In the June 4th edition of the New York Times, Bob Herbert quotes New York lawyer Jonathan Abady, who is part of the legal team that is suing Chevron on behalf of the rainforest inhabitants, as saying, “As horrible as the gulf spill has been, what happened in the Amazon was worse.”
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The BP oil spill may be leading to an almost unimaginable disaster–an extinction event that could kill off a large swathe of marine life.

Methane gas can deplete oxygen in the water, leading to the kind of oxygen depletion that can create a fish-killing dead zone. While methane occurs naturally in ocean water, high concentrations of it can encourage the growth of microbes that consume the oxygen needed by marine life.
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of dangerous substances – The current administration is changing the ethics standards at the EPA so that they no longer back studies that use people as guinea pigs. Years ago, under pressure from chemical companies, the EPA reversed its long-standing ban on human testing, but on June 16, they reversed that decision. This is one of the many extraordinary topics that Whitley and Starfire Tor talk about on Dreamland.
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When we hear about some countries refusing to stop killing whales because they like whale meat, we can at least be happy to know that most of it is TOXIC, because sperm whales have built up stunningly high levels of toxic and heavy metals such as cadmium, aluminum, chromium, lead, silver, mercury and titanium–all of which are poisonous to humans.
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