The Japanese have an insatiable appetite for whale meat, to the extent that they have bribed officials in 6 small nations with cash (and prostitutes!) in order to gain their votes for their whale hunts. 6 countries were willing to consider selling their votes to overturn the 24-year moratorium on commercial whaling passed by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Will this slaughter still be going on in the future?
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PLANT FLOWERS! – The future world would be a more beautiful place if we all planted more flowers. In fact, the world is a cooler, wetter place right now because of flowering plants, so they are an important weapon against climate change. For most of biological history there were no flowering plants: They evolved about 120 million years ago, and took another 20 million years to become common. Dinosaurs walked the Earth when flowering plants evolved, and various studies have attempted to link dinosaur evolution to the evolution of flowers.
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There may be ominous news in our future, because there is increasing evidence that something even more frightening than the oil spill is happening on the ocean floor of the Gulf of Mexico. We know that there’s a danger of marine life extinction, but could the oil spill lead to OUR extinction as well?
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Worldwide! – There’s a virtual tidal wave of UFO disclosure going on, now that countries like the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Russia, and New Zealand are releasing their classified UFO documents. In fact, News 3 in New Zealand reports that their version of the TV show “60 minutes” recently disclosed evidence that, in effect, proves UFOs are real (Now if we can only stop governments from shooting them down!)
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