Whitley will be onCoast to Coast AM at 11 pm on Monday, June 21,talking about his new novel “The Omega Point,” which will be in bookstores on June 22nd. To find out where to listen in your area, clickhere. To read Whitley’s thoughts on why the Omega Point seems so timely, click here.
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One of the main things we worry about in the future is another terrorist attack. Dhiren Barot was an al Qaeda operative involved in plots to blow up the London subway, among other targets. To maximize the damage and the terror, he planned to pack some of his bombs with toxic gas (Whitley’s novel Critical Mass explores a similar scenario). Fortunately, in August 2004, British authorities caught Barot and his accomplices before they could carry out their attacks, but the threat of a gas attack remains. Is democracy even mathematically possible in countries in the Middle East?

While we fight for democracy abroad and try to keep it going here, we should realize what mathematicians know: It’s basically impossible.
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There is a lot that we’re not being told about the BP oil spill, and one of these things may be that the spill is unstoppable. Of course, the leak will stop eventually when the oil runs out, but no one knows are big the oil reservoir is, so this could affect our entire future.
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Gay Dads are Dads too – Time passes: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Dad with a baby carriage (but not if you’re in a gay partnership). However, this is gradually changing and the kids are doing just fine.

Adoption agencies understandably want to know if the children they place with homosexual couples are doing as well as those placed with heterosexuals. This is important because not only do gay couples want to adopt, there are many special needs children and older children who are unlikely to ever find families otherwise.
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