Are there nuclear power plants in our future? After the BP oil spill disaster, people is business and politics are beginning to think what used to be the unthinkable: nuclear power. In 1979, a film called “The China Syndrome” came out, with the premise that a meltdown at a nuclear power plant could open up a hole that would extend through the center of the earth all the way to China, on the other side of the globe. This was the same year that the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania became the site of the worst civilian nuclear accident in US history, when it suffered a partial meltdown. These two events created strong US opposition to nuclear power plants, and there has been resistance to them here ever since.
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About the end of the world in 2012? – Predictions are funny things: We still don’t know if the Mayans were right about their warning concerning December 21, 2012 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to the first show). Besides their writings, the ancient Mayans found a way to record their history, by burying it underneath the floors of their homes over a thousand years ago. Researchers are just now starting to discover these items in central Belize.

The Mayans, whose cultured flourished from 250 to 900 AD (then mysteriously disappeared), would burn down their houses every 40 to 50 years, adding any newly-dead bodies to the pyre. But before they did this, many of them buried their treasures to keep them safe from the flames.
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How will what has happened in the past (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) be different from what will happen tomorrow? Google has invested an undisclosed amount of money in a startup company that says it can predict the future, something our resident prophet John Hogue is going to talk about this weekend.

The company doesn’t sell any products, but says it has developed software that can predict the stock market and terrorist activity by keeping track of how often the same person or event is mentioned somewhere on the web.
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LOTS of them in China – Sinkholes are now turning up in China. In the last 2 months, 35 sinkholes have appeared in various parts of that country. What’s going on in our world?

The Epoch Times reports that Chinese workers discovered a sinkhole in the middle of a street in Beijing in February, and they have discovered 8 more than have suddenly formed in the past 2 weeks and many more that have turned up in the past 2 months. In China, sinkholes usually occur in areas that have been heavily mined, often on reclaimed land. These holes could be due to inferior Chinese building materials.
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