An open exchange of information with aliens will certainly be of interest to open-minded scientists, but is the disclosure that could begin this process dangerous? Should we be prepared to counterattack?

The prestigious German newspaper “Bild” reports that a UFO expert Hartwig Hausdorf thinks that NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft may have been hijacked by aliens who are using it to attempt to contact us. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched over 30 years ago, but it Voyager 2 now started transmitting strange, unintelligible signals back to Earth. These probes carried friendly images of humans plus a 12-inch disk containing music and greetings in 55 languages in case intelligent extraterrestrials found it. Could this finally have happened?
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In Anne Strieber’s new diary, she writes: “Spring is here and the hummingbirds are back at our feeder. In my lifetime, I have been held hostage by hummers and waged a losing war with squirrels.” She goes on to tell about other birds she has known, plus a MOVIE about them. Come talk to Anne in person in June and if you love Anne’s diaries, subscribe today!

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A dangerous fungus may be coming your way and it may be a bioweapon developed in Israel. If it’s a conspiracy, the CIA may also be involved.
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Along with Anne & Whitley in Magic Castle episode – Starfire Tor (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), Whitley and Anne recount their Magic Castle time slip experience for the Discovery Channel’s new series “Weird Or What?” on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 8 and 11 pm Pacific and EST in an episode titled “Grim Reapers.” It will be right after our chat!
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