He talks about the problems with disclosure – In his latest Journal, Whitley Strieber writes: “Every few weeks, it seems, another announcement appears claiming that some authoritative group, usually involving the pope, the president, Edgar Mitchell and whomever, is about to announce that UFOs are no longer unknown, but are alien craft. I’ve been hearing about pending announcements like this for as long as I’ve had an interest in the subject, and they have always worried me. They worry me more than ever now.” Read Whitley’s new Journal to find out why, and come meet Whitley in person at our Dreamland Festival!

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NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

A suspicious package was found in Times Square today and thearea was evacuated. The precautionary evacuation wascanceled after the bomb squad determined that the packagedid not contain explosives.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Both are similar to a computer – There are amazing similarities between the human brain, the nervous system of a worm, and a computer chip. Most of us understand the computer chip comparison, but the worm?

Science Daily quotes physicist Danielle Bassett as saying, “Brains are often compared to computers, but apart from the trivial fact that both process information using a complex pattern of connections in a physical space, it has been unclear whether this is more than just a metaphor.” Now scientists know that it’s a physical reality, because they’ve found that all 3 share 2 basic properties: The human brain, the worm’s nervous system, and a computer chip all have a structure in which the same patterns repeat over and over again at different scales.read more

Volcano, that is – While the effects of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull are slowly beginning to dissipate, there are new worries about the Katla volcano, which is hidden beneath another ice cap 12 miles away. It erupts much more often than Eyjafjallajokull and with much greater force and an even larger plume of ash.
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