It’s happening again: A near-Earth asteroid named 2005 YU55, which is on the list of potentially dangerous asteroids, was observed with the Arecibo Telescope’s planetary radar on April 19, 2010 when it was about 1.5 million miles from the Earth, which is about 6 times the distance to the moon. Will there be an impact? Will someone help prevent this potential catastrophe?
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Smoking is a worldwide epidemic, an emergency situation that builds slowly, while the smoker isn’t noticing. This means it’s time to quit! We once gave you the advice to go cold turkey, but now it turns out that gradually cutting down (with the aim of quitting completely) may work just as well. If you have trouble quitting, it may be because smoking is in your GENES. And why do some people who DON’T smoke get lung cancer anyway?
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What is it? Is it real? – There’s an old song that describes “spring fever” as a feeling of befuddlement. Symptoms include daydreaming, falling in love and having the irrepressible urge to stay outside all day. Is this areal problem or just an imaginary malady?

Psychologist Jon Abramowitz says, “It depends on what you mean by ‘real.’ When the weather turns warm, people are definitely tired of being cooped up, and they get excited about the warm weather and getting to do stuff outside.”
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UFOs have shown up at a Walmart in North Carolina and also in China, where most of the items FOR SALE in Walmart are manufactured!

An Internet user calling himself Hua Jiuju in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province posted a photo of a UFO flying above his city that he took with his cell phone camera online on April 13. He wrote, “At first, I thought it was a balloon, but there was a strong wind that day, and the thing stayed still for a while. But a short time later, it sped toward the Tengwang Pavilion and was spinning over it for five or six seconds before shining suddenly and disappearing immediately.” The sighting lasted no longer than 10 seconds. We suspect the photo may be a hoax. To judge for yourself, click here.
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