Poor can’t eat well if they can’t buy good food – Even if they stick to the center, people in poor neighborhoods often have trouble buying healthy food, just like they have problems buying safe cars. No one wants a mixed salad tossed with extra bacteria, mold and yeast, but those are just what you might find when you try to eat a healthier diet in poorer neighborhoods. The level of bacteria found on the fresh produce can vary according to the income level of the neighborhoods where it’s for sale.
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Coming our way? – Climate change may be responsible for the spread of a potentially deadly fungus among animals and people in the US and Canada. Since freezing can kill the fungus, climate warming have something to do with it showing up along the Pacific Coast.

It started out infecting farm animals and then pets. When it moved to people, AIDS patients (and other people with compromised immune systems) got it first. However, like a virus, the fungus keeps mutating and may soon be able to infect healthy people. The new strain appears to be especially deadly, since about 25% of 21 people who have gotten it so far in the US and Canada have died.
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He hints about search for ET life – In his new Insight, astronaut Edgar Mitchell urges Obama to continue the US moon missions and says, “When Obama announced that ‘nobody is more committed to manned space flight, to human space exploration of space than I am,’ I was relieved. I felt the cumulative excitement of every child whose dream is to become an astronaut.” Meanwhile, blast off with your favorite Dreamland hosts on June 25-27 Nashville!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

By a femme fatale flower – Some people find orchids erotic, because their shape tends to mimic female sexual organs. Bees find them erotic too, and trick male bees into pollinating them by mimicking the SMELL of female bees. By the time the male has done his job, his body is covered with pollen and he flies away to what he perceives to be another lady bee and deposits it all there. It’s pretty amazing, when you stop to think about it.
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