But only if you can afford the expensive brands – Car crashes kill more Americans between the ages of 1 and 45 than any other cause. Improvements in motor vehicle safety have been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as ranking among the 20th century’s top public health achievements, BUT a recent study seems to show that the improvements aren’t benefiting all segments of the population equally. The reason? Some people can’t afford to buy fancy new cars.
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But UFOs still flew! – The volcanic ash that is slowing down airplanes isn’t have an effect on UFOs, and a triangle-shaped craft was even seen INSIDE an ash cloud! Maybe they’re using some sort of psychic navigation. (If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here).
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But is it safe to drink? – Before we fight any more water wars, let’s clean up the water we have! Even if we don’t intend to, most of us end up taking prescription drugs (and drugs that doctors DON’T prescribe) through our drinking water. There is a rising level of pharmaceuticals ending up in the water supply, particularly around hospitals and long-term care facilities, where pharmaceutical use is heavy. We’re found out a lot of amazing things, now can we figure out how to clean this up before the rest of us end up taking this medicine too?
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It just sounds that way – An amazing reality that used to be thought of as science fiction is here today: Paralyzed people are learning how to access the internet using only their brains (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). The next step is typing and sending an email.

Engineering student John LaRocco wants to perfect this system so that it will no longer be necessary to insert an implant inside the brain. He is working on ways that people can use their minds to power a computer and other technology to complete a variety of actions, wearing a Lycra-like cap that is fastened securely under his chin with electrodes poking out of it.
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