Let us know – As we move to our new Unknowncountry.com website, we are considering changing to the Paypal subscription management system. This would mean that, when your current subscription runs out, you would renew through Paypal rather than through our current system. Other than that, there would be no change in your logon or subscriber experience. You could keep your current username and password. So, how do you feel abouta move to PayPal? Let us know by entering the subscriber section today and clicking on one of the answers in the poll, which appears on the subscriber homepage.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

(And we’re not talking politics here). We all know what we shouldn’t eat, but how to we find out what kind of diet is best for us? Take a DNA test and see! And once you know the answer, figure out the RIGHT WAY to perambulate through the grocery store (hint: avoid the middle). And a little booze occasionally doesn’t hurt either.
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How did we get here? There are some strange things going on, when it comes to evolution: Viceroy butterflies protect themselves from predators by looking just like Monarchs (which are toxic to birds). Is this an accident or some kind of “intention?”
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In the same old places: the ocean and SPACE! – If there was a huge dump down the block in your neighborhood, wouldn’t you ask your friends (or the local government) to help clean it up? Well, there’s one spot in the Atlantic Ocean where plastic trash that’s tossed into the sea accumulates. Will anyone do something about it? At least they’ve discovered a new way to clean up space trash!
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