Double-Nosed Dogs have long been popular in the Americansouth for their exceptional abilities at sniffing out smallgame, and now the breed’s abilities have caused it to beadopted by US HomelandSecurity as America’s official preferred dog for contrabandsniffing. As a result, Double Noses are increasingly beingseen in airports across the country, sniffing luggage fornarcotics, contraband and bombs. Many law enforcementagencies are adopting the breed as well, and theirfriendliness is making them popular with civilian owners,too. There are even plans to attempt the breeding of tripleand quadruple-nosed dogs, on the theory that they will beexponentially better more

The brains of psychopaths are wired to keep seeking a reward at any cost, which is why they do such awful things to the rest of us. And A person can reach a high level of spiritual development without being emotionally and psychologically mature, which may help explain some of the pedophile priests who are stalking parishes worldwide.

But psychopaths are operating in the financial world as well: While high-profile white collar crimes like Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion Ponzi scheme grab headlines, thousands of smaller crimes are being committed each day in offices across America.
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Has God got something ELSE in store for us? Italy may be the next site for a huge natural disaster. Europe’s largest undersea volcano could explode, creating a tsunami that would engulf southern Italy at any time. An Italian vulcanologist says, “It could even happen tomorrow.”

Yahoo News quotes Enzo Boschi as saying, “Our latest research shows that the volcano is not structurally solid, its walls are fragile, the magma chamber is of sizeable dimensions.”

It happened to humans in the past: We know that dinosaurs became extinct due to an asteroid impact, but why did they rise to such power in the first place? It turns out this was caused 200 million years ago by volcanoes.
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Is it natural? – Is this some kind of strange conspiracy? Scientists are studying monogamy because they want to know why couples do (or don’t) stay together for a long time. They’ve found some frogs that might show them the answers.

The first monogamous amphibian, the Peruvian poison frog) has been discovered living in the rainforest of South America. In this species, male and females remain utterly faithful. This is due to just one thing: the tiny pools of water in which they raise tadpoles prevents the frogs from straying.
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