It’s not politics, it’s SCIENCE! – Something to think about: Happy people are supposed to be trusting people, but the OPPOSITE may be true: A new study suggests that, in some instances, people may actually be LESS trusting of others when they are in a pleasant mood.

Researcher Robert Lount says, “A person’s mood may determine how much they rely on subtle, or not so subtle, cues when evaluating whether to trust someone. I think the assumption is that if you make someone happy, they are going to be more likely to trust you. But that only works if they are already predisposed to trust you.”
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It’s a question that humans have long asked themselves. We are probably not alone in the universe, though it may feel like it, since life on other planets is probably dominated by microbes.

Alvin Powell, of the Harvard news office, quotes radio astronomer Gerrit Verschuur as saying that he believes that though there is very likely life out there (and perhaps a lot of it), it is very unlikely to be both intelligent and able to communicate with us.

In the Daily Galaxy, Casey Kazan quotes astrophysicist Dimitar Sasselov as saying, “We don’t now have the technology to physically travel outside our solar system for such an exchange to take place, but we are like Columbus centuries ago, learning fast how to get somewhere few think possible.”
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Like a drug to men – Men: Women love them, but they don’t surprise them and here’s more news that won’t come as a surprise to any thinking female: Just looking at their curves gives a guy a “high” that scientists equate with drinking alcohol or taking drugs!

This is probably the reason that men are so much more interested in pornography than women are. But it’s curves that count, not overall body fat. In, Charles Q. Choi quotes researcher Steven Platek as saying,”The media portrays women as wholly too skinny.”
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As more people wise up and stop smoking, there is less call for heavily-subsidized tobacco plants, so researchers are looking for new ways to use this plant. Besides biofuel, they may make natural spray-on solar panels.
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