The British Ministry of Defense has issued a policy memo stating that all newUFO reports it receives will be destroyed after 30 days. Thedestruction of UFO reports is nothing new. After aninvestigation was initiated by a congressman into theRoswell Incident, the General Accounting Office found thatall trace of any records from the Roswell Army Air Fieldbetween 1947 and 1952 had been mysteriously destroyed.
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Researchers are so excited about the placebo effect that the NIH (National Institutes of Health) has started a special study of it. One of their discoveries is that, although it all takes place inside our brains, for some unknown reason it seems to be working BETTER than it used to. This is a subject that Anne Strieber discusses with Mark Waldman in this week’s Dreamland.

From 2001 to 2006, the percentage of new products cut from development after clinical trials where they were first tested against placebo rose by 20%, meaning that the placebos were working better. Half of all potential new drugs fail in late stage trials due to their inability to beat sugar pills.
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The earthquake in Chile was so strong that it changed the tilt of the Earth’s axis, but it did NOT produce the huge waves (tsunamis) that scientists were worried about. Why not?

Large tsunamis were reported along Chile’s coastline, but they did not cross the Pacific and inundate the West Coast of the US. In contrast to this a 9.5 earthquake of 1960 created a tsunami that claimed swept across Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines, killing 200 people.
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In her new Insight, Radio host Anne Strieber writes: “I predict that in the future, we will learn how to travel through time. This won’t happen in 2010, but it MAY happen in the next decade.” She also tells why she thinks the Grays are time travelers. And if you’re a contactee, have you ever seen the black box? If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here. And if want to make sure that Anne’s diaries (AND insights) are still here in the future, you need to Subscribe today!

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