John Hogue and William Henry are in LA for an Expo and they’re going to meet up with Anne and Whitley and have supper on Friday night. After that, George Noory has invited them to “drop in” to Coast to Coast AM, so if you want to hear a conversation between a group of fascinating people, don’t miss it! To find out where to listen in your area, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Getting from place to place by airplane is tough because of onerous airport security restrictions, but these are about to get easier. Or you could just strap on your personal flying machine and take off. Take your ipod along and you can listen to your favorite radio shows!
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THIRD hand smoke – We all know what second hand smoke is (smoke that a non-smoker inhales while in a smoke-filled room), but what is third hand smoke and is it dangerous? It turns out that this is the yellow nicotine residue that clings to surfaces after smokers have been in a room and YES, it is VERY dangerous!
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When it comes to beauty, humans started early – People have been primping for a very long time: Scientists now have evidence that Neanderthals wore “body paint” 50,000 years ago. And the exotic eye makeup that seen on statues of Queen Nefertiti and other ancient Egyptian royals may have been used to help prevent or treat eye disease. Plus, in those days, cosmetic contained no dangerous nanoparticles! And other ingredients in modern cosmetics may make them unsafe for pregnant women.
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