Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to go on a diet? Is it time for your pet need to go on a diet too? Dog and cat owners buying weight-control diets for their overweight pets are faced with a confusing variation in calorie density, recommended intake, and wide range cost of low-calorie pet foods. Your pets are too fat, but what do you feed them?
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Just don’t wave your hands while you’re talking! – New technology is showing up all the time, and some of it is really out there. First, remote controls replaced knobs so we can change channels without getting up from the couch. In the future, we will dispense with the remote controls (which are always getting lost under the couch cushions anyway) and simply control our TVs, stereos, DVD players and video games with hand movements.
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A peek into the mysteries of the past: A new study finds that hardening of the arteries was common among ancient Egyptianschallenging the belief that this is a modern condition caused by current-day risk factors such as stress and sedentary lifestyles.

Researcher Michael Miyamoto, who studied the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in 3,500-year-old mummies, says, “Our findings show that atherosclerosis is not strictly a disease of modern humans caused by unhealthy lifestyles. In fact, it is possible that humans have a genetic predisposition to the development of atherosclerosis. Our findings remind us of the value of preventive medicine in eliminating or controlling manifestations of heart and vascular disease.”
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Not yet – Before coastal cities around the world shore up their banks, we need to take action. One suggestion is to connect flood plains to rivers so that overflow is no longer a problem. And while, over time, global warming can cause melting glaciers that lead to rising sea levels, scientists in Israel think we’ll be able to cope: The sea level in Israel has been rising and falling regularly for the past 2,500 years.
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