Amazing new inventions on the horizon – It’s about time: Some amazing new inventions are coming our way: All it takes is researchers who can envision the future. What if charging your computer, iPod or cell phone was as easy as plugging it into your tee shirt? And what if you could power your building by working out in the basement?
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The equivalent of a bad motel on a trashy beach – Unless you learn how to time travel, if you take your next vacation in a spacecraft, your destination may be a rather barren-looking space rock, a place where you’re not likely to make any exciting new friends.
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It’s all in the flush – The time has finally come: The latest biofuel comes from your body (from your, er, waste products), so you can feel a little better next time you flush!
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A betting website in Ireland (where gambling is legal) reports that lots of bets are being placed on alien life being discovered in the next 3 years, after spectacular photos of a UFO flying across Dublin were taken on New Year’s Day (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show). It’s about time we had disclosure!

The odds on aliens landing anywhere in the world before 2013 have now gone from 500/1 to just 100/1. If the stock market was doing this well, no one would be out of a job.

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NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more