More news about marijuana medicine: Combining the two most common compounds in Marijuana may boost the effectiveness of treatments to inhibit the growth of brain cancer cells and increase the number of brain cancer cells that die off. Doctors think that these 2 ingredients may be especially effective against glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of brain tumor and the cancer that killed Sen. Ted Kennedy.

That’s the good news, now here’s the bad news: Despite the promising findings of the study the researchers point out that they are not a recommendation for people with brain cancer to smoke marijuana, because it is highly unlikely that effective concentrations of either of these ingredients could be reached by smoking it.
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Whitley has an implant from the Visitors that he’s still learning how to use (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this Dreamland show). One of the latest inventions is an implant that can be placed inside the brain of a paralyzed person and enable him to access the internet using only his brain, and this technology may eventually spread to able-bodied people as well. Does this mean that, in the future, hackers will try to get inside our brains? It’s a scary thought!
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The mystery of the worrisome decline in the numbers of bees needed to pollinate plants may have been solved: It all comes down to modern farming methods. Modern farmers, especially in the US where the problem is worst, tend to plant a single crop, such as corn. But in order to develop a strong immune system that can ward off the mites that tend to infect a hive, bees need to eat pollen from a VARIETY of plants.
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber talks about tea dancing. This may sound like a surprisingly dainty subject for our gal, but once you read it, you’ll realize it’s NOT! If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read her new diary! To sign up, click here And if you love Anne’s diaries and want to make sure they’re still here in the future (as well as our great radio shows and podcasts), support this site: Subscribe today!

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