Find out in the Dreamland archive. – Since the recent earthquake, there has been much commentary that Haitian religion is “devil worship.” Both Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh have gone on the record saying the the Haitians were punished by God for being devil worshipers. However, the Haitian religion of Vodou is actually an ancient spiritual practice that has nothing to dowith making “pacts with the devil.” Subscribers can listen to an interview Whitley Strieber did with Vodou priest Kenaz Filan in our subscriber section. Go to the Dreamland Archive and scroll to 03/15/2008. Our vast subscriber section offers a wealth of informationunique in the world. If YOU want access to it, subscribe today!
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Google Earth spots a lot of unusual things and now two researchers say it has found El Dorado, the legendary “city of gold” that sent Spanish explorers on expeditions to South America for 200 years, starting in the 16th century. The Spanish destroyed several indigenous civilizations in their quest for gold.
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And nutty inventions – Now that we’ve reached 2010, we can look back at some of the most embarrassing scientific discoveries of 2009. As you might expect, quite a number ofthem have to do with male sex. But that’s far from the whole story.Beyond ridiculous current studies, the past also has a greatdeal to offer. Nothing like a glass of radioactive water tocure your impotence, for example. All you need for that is aRevegator.
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Some unexplained images have been photographed on Mars. The latest is what appear to be “trees.” The images show what look like rows of dark trees sprouting from hills on the surface of the planet, but according to NASA, it’s an optical illusion: The sand dunes are coated with a thin layer of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide), and are caused by trails of debris left by landslides as the ice melts in Mars’s spring.

In the January 13th edition of the Telegraph, Ben Leach quotes NASA’s Candy Hansen as saying, “The streaks are sand, dislodged as ice evaporates, which slide down the dune. At this time of the Martian year the whole scene is covered by CO2 frost.”
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