Sometimes it comes from other kids! – More than one third of those who sexually abuse children are other juveniles, not adults (as one might suspect).

Researchers found that juveniles account for more than one-third of those known to police to have committed sex offenses against minors. And juveniles who commit sex offenses against other children are more likely than adult sex offenders to offend in groups, at schools, and to have more male and younger victims.
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Tell your boss you’re improving your office skills! – Many office workers secretly play video games on their computers at the office (they read our edge news and listen to Dreamland there too!) It turns out that playing these games may actually improve their performance, depending on which ones they play.

Psychologists noticed this when looking at how video games affect kids. Psychologist Rolf Nelson says, “If they

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There are some dangerous things going on, deep down where no one can see them. They have to do with food too: Depending on your genes, you may not get supersized eating a fast food hamburger, and you won’t get super sick either, because many of these restaurants are now battling E. coli bacteria and salmonella by injecting their ground beef with ammonia.
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A group of environmental scientists working with the CIA once again has access to data gathered by intelligence satellites. The images include tropical forests, ice melts, desert landscapes, even population shifts. The program had been discontinued in 2001.
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