2010 is here, the weather is getting colder and that means SNOW. Are two snowflakes ever alike? And why are most of them depicted (in art, anyway) as completely wrong?

Snowflakes are usually drawn inaccurately. They are shown as having four, five or even eight-corners although, despite the fact that no two are alike, they ARE all six-cornered. The six-corner configuration is a result of how they’re made: In LiveScience.com, Jeanna Bryner quotes researcher Thomas Koop as saying, “The resulting hexagonal crystal lattice is the lowest energy form of water at cold ambient conditions,” which is a scientist’s way of explaining that they can only have 6 sides, no more and no less.
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Will global warming continue in 2010? After a protracted quiet spell, the sun is waking up. So far, Solar Cycle 24 has been the quietest in a century, but December was the most active month of the cycle by far. The 11 year solar maximum should peak in late 2012, but with such a long, deep solar minimum, the peak could be delayed. There is evidence that solar activity and planetary weather are related, but also studies that show no connection. At present, earth is experiencing a mini cooling cycle related to the upwelling of cold water in the Pacific Ocean. Will the return of a high level of solar activity, if this happens, also mean that earth’s climate will change? Over the next twelve months, we could find out.
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You can use it as biofuel! – As the New Year dawns and we finally finish opening our presents and see all the wrapping paper scattered around, a lot of us wish we could find a way to recycle all of it. Many cities recycle paper and plastic, but can we recycle fruit cake?

In Wired.com, Keith Barry quotes researcher Spencer Quong as saying, “There’s probably a million fruitcakes that have been passed around for 20 years [and] there is, in the fruitcake, sugar and grain. All of that can be converted to ethanol.”

If Santa’s reindeer left any poop on the lawn, that makes a good fuel too. According to Quong, “It’s very similar to cow manure. You take the methane that comes off that, and then you can power vehicles from that.”
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On Sunday, Jan. 3 at 9 p.m. Pacific and EST, Whitley will be interviewed on Apocalypse Island on the History Channel, talking about what may happen in the future. But he’s saved the REAL scoop on that Mayan prediction about 2012 for our subscribers, who can listen to his audio explaining all about it RIGHT NOW. It’s our holiday present for you!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

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