It only makes you THINK you’re sober! – People who drink on New Year’s Eve should know that coffee won’t sober them up, but it MAY make it harder for people to realize they’re drunk. And popular caffeinated “alcohol-energy” drinks don’t neutralize alcohol intoxication either.
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It’s drinking & WALKING – At New Year’s, we’re all warned about drinking and driving, but the truth is that drinking and walking can be just as dangerous.

Researcher Thomas Esposito says, “Alcohol impairs your physical ability to walk AND to drive. It impairs your judgment, reflexes and coordination. It’s nothing more than a socially acceptable, over-the-counter stimulant/depressant.”In 2005, the journal Injury Prevention reported that New Year’s Day is more deadly for pedestrians than any other day of the year. From 1986 to 2002, 410 pedestrians were killed on New Year’s Day. 58% of those killed had high blood alcohol concentrations.
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “We all have revelations at the turn of the year when we, like the Roman god Janus, look both forward and back. This was the year I discovered that I am, in effect, homeless.” If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read Anne’s new diary! To sign up, click here. And if you want to make sure Anne’s diaries keep coming, support this site: Subscribe today!

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And what NOT to! – When you’re planning your New Year’s Eve celebration, remember this: Drinking whiskey will give you a worse hangover than drinking vodka. If you’re a man, maybe it’s best to stick to beer: It’s good for the prostate.

The reason whiskey is worse might lie in the number of “congeners” molecules in it, compared to vodka. Strangely enough, bourbon (although it contains many of the same ingredients as whiskey) did not have the same effect in experiments with drinkers. BBC News quotes researcher Damaris Rohsenow as saying, “While people felt worse, they didn’t perform worse after bourbon.”
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