Following daring missions braving the elements and perilous location of the Qumran Caves in Israel, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in 1952: archaeologists have discovered approximately eighty  fragments of new text from the seminal work. These are the first new pieces to the ancient religious texts toread more

A new breakthrough has been made in regards to the inner workings of the device known as the Antikythera mechanism.  Combining recent 3D X-ray scans of the ancient computer with over a century’s worth of cumulative investigation, researchers are now confident that enough of the mechanism and its accompanying instructionsread more

Recent studies in theoretical physics have found that faster-than-light travel, through the manipulation of gravity—or bending the physical fabric of space-time—is not as impossible as was once thought.  Although it would appear that we’re still quite a few quantum leaps away from being able to visit neighboring star systems inread more