Sounds like they’re worried – Whales aren’t singing the way they used to. Their voices become deeper every year, and scientists are worried that this may be a sign that they’re in trouble. The same thing is happening to whales all over the world.

Whale researcher Mark McDonald first noticed this phenomenon 8 years ago. In, Brandon Keim quotes him as saying, “We don’t have the answer. We just have a lot of recordings.”

Keim quotes researcher Hal Whitehead as saying, “The exciting possibility, I think, is that they’re all listening to each other. This is a worldwide cultural phenomenon, and that’s very cool.”
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New detailed seismic images of the “plumbing” that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano shows a plume of hot and molten rock rising at an angle from the northwest at a depth of at least 410 miles. Does this mean it’s about to blow?

A study used gravity measurements to indicate the banana-shaped magma chamber of hot and molten rock a few miles beneath Yellowstone is 20% larger than previously believed, so a future cataclysmic eruption could be even larger than thought.
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Off the coast of Cuba – French underwater archaeologists have told a Paris newspaper that they have discovered submerged ruins off the coast of Cuba while examining satellite imagery. In 2001 French/Russian explorer Pauline Zelitsky, operating in the Caribbean near Cuba, announced the discovery of ruins at a depth of 2,300 feet. In 2005 the National Geographic Society was supposed to fund exploration of the site, this was not followed up. There has been little new information published about the Cuba site, except the suggestion that it might be a sonar imaging artifact and not actually present on the sea floor. Now new satellite images appear to show extensive ruins at a much shallower depth, visible beneath the more

Your neighborhood may be gaily decorated, with Christmas lights on every house, but is it a healthy place to live? Not if there’s a Meth lab nearby!

When authorities discover a “meth house,” they decontaminate it by removing chemicals, getting rid of carpeting, cleaning walls, and airing the place out for a few days. Researcher Glenn Morrison says, “Most people who live in a former meth house don’t even know it, and some hotel rooms have also been contaminated” (so much for for taking the relatives to the local hotel for the holidays).
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