Isn’t the season over? – Who’s thinking of baseball now? We have basketballand football to watch. But with the annual winter baseball meetings under way, fans wonder whether the expensive long-term contracts their favorite team gives to big name free agents will give them the incentive to play hard. Are those big salaries worth it, especially when so many ordinary people are out of a job? This is a question we need a psychic to answer!
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It’s hard to go on fighting for democracy in Islamic countries, when people are being killed in these places for witchcraft and (now) for being a psychic.

On the Paranormal Review website, Roy Stemman writes about a business trip to Saudi Arabia ten years ago, where a tour guide offered to take him to Deera Square in Riyadh. He refused the offer when “my guide, an Englishman living and working in the city, explained that it was also known as Justice Square but he and others knew it as ‘Chop Chop Square’ because it was where offenders were publicly beheaded or had their hands cut off. What

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

We’ve already found water on the moon and now scientists from India say they’ve found signs of life there as well. The instruments on their first unmanned lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1, picked up signs of carbon, the main building block of life, on parts of the moon’s surface, just before it crashed into the moon’s south pole in November.

Similar observations were made by the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, which brought soil and rock samples back to Earth, where scientists found traces of amino acids (another basic building block of life).
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The recent fatal shootings of four Washington state police officers again brings up the recurring problem of mass murder in the United States. What motivates these men to go on a shooting rampage?
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