It’s a strange world out there: You may not like your job, but are you ALLERGIC to it? Damp environments, poorly maintained heating and air-conditioning systems and carpeting may contribute to poor indoor air quality that can make you sick. Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, where they are repeatedly exposed to indoor allergens and airborne particles that can lead to respiratory problems.

Researcher Doug Garrett says, “If there was just one thing I could do to fix buildings, it would be to change the relative humidity. Moisture leads to conditions that are conducive to dust mites and mold, as well as bacteria, yeast and other living organisms.”
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about revisiting the Communion cabin – In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “As part of a documentary that our filmmaker friend Timothy Greenfield-Sanders is making about Whitley, we recently visited the “Communion” cabin in upstate New York where we were menaced by one of the locals. On the way back to New York City, we received a call from a dear friend that we were very worried about, who had almost died from an asthma attack. This trip was ‘Deliverance’ in more ways than one.” She also found out that the friend had the Four Days experience. If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this diary. To sign up, click here. And subscribers get to listen to Whitley’s AUDIO about HIS adventures at the cabin, so subscribe today!
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Update: Simliar Spiral in Tomsk, 2006 – A bizarre and massive spiral of light appeared over northernNorway between 7:50and 8:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday,December 9. The phenomenon was visible across a wide area,indicating that it was very large and very high. A similarevent was videotaped inTomskin2006. On December 11, Russian officials statedthat a Bulava missile had failed at the time the phenomenonwas observed.

Initially, it appeared as a green beam of light with arotating spiral at the far end. It turned into an enormousspiral formation in the sky, with a green beam extendingdown to earth, which persisted for two minutes before fadingaway. Reports that the phenomenon lasted an hour are morehave not been corroborated.
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Real or fake? – Science is discovering new things all the time. Scientists now say that hypnosis is “real” because they can pick up its effects on fMRI scans of people’s brains when they’re “under.”

While patients are under hypnosis, neuroscientists see decreased activity in the parts of the brain linked with daydreaming or letting the mind wander. One psychologist thinks that this reveals how hypnosis leaves patients open to suggestion. People who were not susceptible to being hypnotized did not have these brain patterns.
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